
10 & 12 Grade Chumash, Trei Asar, Ezra/Nechemia, Halacha, Shmuz
Rabbi Schwartz, a graduate of the Rabbinical Seminary of America/Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, brings a wealth of talent and expertise to Ateres Bnos Ita. With years of teaching experience, Rabbi Schwartz infuses his classroom with a passion for learning, including an emphasis on skills and analytical thinking. His background in fundraising, combined with his training as a graduate of Torah Umesorah’s Leadership and Fundraising Academy (TULFA), equips him with the skills needed to help build the school and make a meaningful impact on the Las Vegas community.

9th Navi, Yesodos B’Emunah, Pirkei Avos, Penimi
Mrs. Schwartz, a native of Rochester, NY, brings a wealth of diverse teaching experience to Ateres Bnos Ita. Her career includes roles in Phoenix, AZ, and Boca Raton, FL, serving as a dorm counselor for Russian seminary exchange students in Brooklyn, and teaching at Valley Torah High School for Girls in Los Angeles. Beyond the classroom, she has implemented programs and contributed to administrative efforts, always prioritizing student growth and success. With her deep care and dedication, Mrs. Schwartz is committed to creating an environment where the young women of Las Vegas can thrive personally and academically, while developing a love and pride for their Judaism and themselves.

9 and 12 English

Parsha and Interpersonal Relationships

faculty and Staff